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Article in International Wolf Spring 2015

International Wolf Spring 2015


The Steve Weems mystery novel “Murder in the Ozarks” is now availalbe from the book site www.murderintheozarks.com and from amazon.com. The story chronicles the adventures of Andy Bosher, a Washington, DC accountant, that is sent to the Arkansas Ozarks on assignment. Employed by a wealthy defense contractor, his assignment is not what he first thinks it to be. He discovers the body of a murdered woman and, with the help of several local rural people, sets out to separate the layers of deception from the truth. Along the way, he experiences personal danger, new relationships and hope for a second chance.

Work in Progress

“Hillbilly Nation” (working title), a mystery/thriller is a prequel to “Murder in the Ozarkst”. Max McCaver of the Arkansas Ozarks works security in Washington, DC for Russell Emkey, a wealthy defense contractor. While Max is in a nearby room, Russell Emkey’s daughter is kidnapped and her bodyguard murdered. With few clues to follow and under the intense stress of the situation, Max’s mental health begins a downward spiral.

Steve is a member of the Ozark Writers League (OWL)

Steve Weems’ Literary pets:

Waldo the Bassett Hound named for Ralph Waldo Emerson
Frost the Anatolian Shepherd named for Robert Frost
Tolkien the cat named for JRR Tolkien
Bronte the Anatolian Shepherd named for the Bronte sisters
Ben the turtle named for Benjamin Franklin
Violet the cat named for Violet … we forget who
Agatha the cat named for Agatha Christie
Lewie the dog named for CS Lewis
Chandler the Bullmastiff named for Raymond Chandler